
celebrate - learn

We have a birthday coming up! And my daughter is talking all day about who is coming to her party. So we came up with the idea to send invitations.LF_birthday-invitation_endresult6

I am always looking for diy ideas we can do together, and this one is simple and easy for both of us.

 what you’ll need:
• round multi-purpose labels in different colors (we used 8mm)
• white cardboard
• waterproof ink/penLF_birthday-invitation_step0

Step 1 – stick it
Cut the cardboard in to 10 x 15 cm pieces. Start sticking dots onto one side of the card. I just let my daughter do her thing, helping her a little with picking colors. Timing will do the trick, grab the card the moment you think it’s done!LF_birthday-invitation_step1a LF_birthday-invitation_step1b

Step 2 – finish it
On the front I wrote with waterproof ink (we have a lot of rainy weather over here ;) “Hurray Puck 3 years” and on the back I draw some lines, as if it was a real postcard.LF_birthday-invitation_step2

Step 3 – send it
Last but not least, we wrote our message to our guests. And went out to post them. Now we hope that everybody will turn up!LF_birthday-invitation_step3


PS I just found the coolest store in Berlin. They had all the colors of dots you can dream of. The good news: they have an online shop

Happy dotting!

