Decorating eggs for Easter isn’t new at all, but when I saw the pointy bits of the egg carton, they reminded me of dwarf hats. So we decided to make some egg men with them.

what you’ll need:
• Eggs + egg carton
• paint, waterproof marker, red crayon
• glue + cotton wool
• scissors
• extra long needle + thread

Step 1 – cut & paint the hats
Cut the egg carton
to get a good amount of dwarf hats. Note: an egg carton won’t provide enough
hats for the amount of eggs in the carton. So you need to save up a few, or
make less. Paint them in your favorite colors. We decided on different, very
vibrant colors. Maybe you need to paint twice or three times since the carton
is very absorbent.

Step 2 – draw your men
Our favorite part: drawing all kinds of faces on the eggs with the waterproof marker. Use some red crayon and smudge it a bit to get the rosy cheek effect. Don’t forget to fit the hat on the egg to decide where the face should be put, otherwise it will disappear under the hat.

Step 3 – blow out the eggs
Least favorite part, blow out the eggs. There are many tips and tricks found on the interweb how to do this. Best tip, trick somebody else to do it for you ;)

Step 4 – optional add beards
We thought real dwarfs wear beards. So with a bit of glue and cotton wool we added some beards to the dwarfs

Step 5 – string
This the tricky part, thread your needle and string from the bottom up through the egg an through the hat. Using the wholes you made to blow out the egg. It can be a bit of a fiddle and maybe you need to make the wholes a bit bigger.

We made use of all the blown out eggs by putting them in to some egg biscuits. Happy Easter!

12-14 pieces
- 2 eggs
- 100 grams sugar
- zest of half a lemon
- 100 grams flower
- 1 tl bakingpowder
- little salt
Mix the eggs and sugar until fluffy. It will take a few minutes. Add the lemon zest, flower, baking powder and salt. Mix carefully.
Scoop with two spoons on to a lined baking sheet. Leave a bit of a distance, since they will rise. Bake the egg biscuits 10-12 minutes at 180 degrees C.