Who follows La Fête for a while, knows we like to celebrate birthdays. Big time! Since Mia’s 6th birthday happened during these strange Corona-lockdown-times, the only thing left to do was to decorate the hell out of it. And we did.

For the traditional handmade birthday-dress she requested it to be a surprise, like last year. Rainbows and donkeys are still a strong favourite, so I decided on a mix of both. Added the cutest tulle cape from Bob & Blossom, a pair of second-hand boots from Stella McCartney Kids and a custom partyhat to complete her birthday-outfit.

Social distance, means no opa & oma to celebrate with. My parents sent their birthday-gift with the post, and we unwrapped it live with them on Facetime. The other grandparents did a short bike-by with gifts for her and fresh flowers for me :)

Mia picked a cake out of one of my favourite books from Linda Lomelino, a Blueberry Cake with Lemon buttercream. I decorated it with colourful dots to match her dress, topped with dot cake-toppers and a birthday-donkey, made after one of her own drawings.

The whole day friends & family came by with flowers, drawings, little gifts and sweet birthday wishes. We ended the day with a social-distance-hamburger-delivery-dinner. According to Mia it was the best birthday so far…