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doll bed(ding)

A while ago we got Puck this adorable doll from moyoh, but she never had a proper place to sleep. I wanted to find her a doll bed, but until today didn’t find anything I liked. Through a second hand buying and selling website I found this lovely, old doll bed. It only had to be reupholstered.doll bed

what you’ll need:
• a piece of foam, cut to fit the bed
• some pieces of fabric
• a piece of flannel / batting material
• pen
• scissors
• pins
• thread + needle
• sewing machine
• embroidery yarn + needle

La Fête tutorial: doll bed

Step 1 – make the pattern
Get your little mattress, lay it on top of the wrong side of the fabric. Draw around the mattress. Measure the thickness of the mattress. Draw two rectangular strips: height x thickness, and another height x width.

Cut, leaving a seam allowance of 2cm. Make 2 pieces of each. You will end up having 6 pieces of fabric.

Measure the size of your bed and make the blanket big enough so you can tuck in the doll. Cut three pieces of the same size of the top fabric, the batting material and the bottom fabric.

La Fête tutorial: doll bed La Fête tutorial: doll bed

Step 2 – sew

With the wrong sides facing, sew together all the pieces for the mattress cover. It’s a bit of a puzzle and on the corners I had to fiddle a bit around to get everything into place. Leave one seam open at one end of the cover. Turn the cover inside out.

Put in the mattress, fold the open seam. I used pins to keep everything in place, so you can close the last seam by hand.La Fête tutorial: doll bed

I used an old sheet for the top and a contrasting lavender color for the bottom. The sheets have a little woven dot pattern, and as you know I have this thing for confetti. So I decided to decorate the top with some hand embroidered dots, using this technique.La Fête tutorial: doll bed

Pin the three pieces: bottom (wrong side up), top (right side up), batting material. Sew along the edges. On one end leave about 5-10 cm open. Turn through this opening. Fold in the seams of the opening and sew another time around. La Fête tutorial: doll bed

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