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foamchip necklace

Every time we receive and open a package at home, we are having a mini-party! And sometimes the packaging material is as exciting as the original content.LF_foamchip-necklace_endresult_1

what you’ll need:
*foamchips (or any other material you could string)
*felt pen, or paint

LF_foamchip-necklace_step_0Step 1 – color your chips
Color your foam-chips. We made a mix-and-match of solid color chips (by my daughter Puck)  and some patterned ones by me. Dots, stripes, chevron everything goes.


Step 2 – finish the necklace

Because of the aglet at the end of the shoelace, even little fingers can string the chips.

Now, slide the chips into the center of the lace, and make a circle, with both ends of the lace overlapping each other. Take one end of the lace, and make a simple knot around the other end. Repeat with the other, loose end. You should have two knots that you can slide along the lace to adjust the length of your necklace.

LF_foamchip-necklace_step_2Have fun!


Note: Because of the material of the chips, they stained a little after coloring. Maybe letting them dry for a while will help.

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